Mom Heart Ministry — Whole Heart Ministries

Mom Heart Ministry — Coming Home to God's Heart for Motherhood.


Mom Heart Ministry, started by Sally Clarkson in 2008, is a strategic ministry initiative of Whole Heart Ministries. It is a discipleship movement to the hearts of moms—a spiritual movement of leaders and small groups reaching out and ministering to mothers. Through our books, resources, online ministries, and events we encourage, equip, and enable Christian moms to “come home to God’s heart for motherhood.” We invite you to join us on the journey of Christian motherhood.

Outside of North America, Mom Heart becomes Mum Heart Ministry. In addition to our Mom Heart Ministry Team in the US, we are working with Mum Heart leaders in the UK, Australia, and other English-speaking countries to reach and teach mums in their own countries. We believe mothers worldwide are an overlooked and under-served mission field waiting to be reached and engaged for God's kingdom.

Mothers are designed to be lifegivers, not just biologically, but also spiritually–each has the opportunity to give life to her children, home, and world. Motherhood was in the heart of God at creation, is affirmed throughout Scripture, and is a critical and strategic part of God’s design for the family, the church, and the world. The mission of Mom Heart Ministry is to restore moms’ hearts to God’s heart for motherhood.


For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. (2 Corinthians 4:5, NASB)


Sally Clarkson is the Director, and the heart, of Mom Heart Ministry. She is the mother of four wholehearted children—Sarah, Joel, Nathan, and Joy—all now grown and following Jesus. She ministered as a single woman in Communist Poland, and in Austria and in church ministry in the states with Clay after their marriage in 1981, starting Whole Heart Ministries with him in 1994. Sally has been a tireless champion of Christian motherhood—more than 20 books in print, many translated in several languages; nearly 70 “Mom Heart” conferences nationally and internationally; a popular mom blog and podcasting ministry to moms; an active social media presence; and an engaging online membership community. Sally takes seriously the Mom Heart vision and mission to influence future generations of Christians by helping mothers around the world now who are doing the “heart work” of building God’s kingdom through their homes. Through the years, her Mom Heart Ministry Team has assisted her in keeping our ministry heart beating for moms. Team members have been actively engaged in Mom Heart Ministry through Intensive Training weekends with Sally, Mom Heart Ministry events, and leading Mom Heart Groups. Current national Ministry Team members include: Lynn Custer (NC), Kristen Kill (OR), Brandee Knowles (CO), Jennie Nelson (ID, MH Groups Admin), and Gretchen Roberts (NC).


All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NLT)

Mom Heart Books

Our Mom Heart library of books written by Sally, alone and with others, continues to grow. The books you’ll find in the Whole Heart Store are the ones many Mom Heart groups or ministries to mothers will begin with for a study or discussion. Of course, there are many other excellent books for moms by other great authors that can be discussed by your group, but if you’re starting a Mom Heart group we encourage you to start with these books. They form the corpus of Sally’s distinctive messages, experiences, and insights about motherhood that form the heart of the Mom Heart ethos.

To See All of Sally’s Mom Heart Books:


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Taking Motherhood to Hearts

In a rapidly secularizing culture that is losing its heart for biblical motherhood, Sally calls mothers back to God’s design in this helpful handbook and heartbook for starting, leading, and tending a Mom Heart small group. It’s filled with inspirational “why to” vision, practical “how to” advice, and motivational “can do” encouragement. Whether you’re already leading a group, or just considering one, start with this book We make it available in paperback, digital, and PDF formats to support and equip Christian mothers worldwide. Mom Heart group planning forms are also available as free PDF downloads.

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Mom HEART Group Guides

You need a good road map for your Mom Heart group journey. That’s why we’re developing discussion guides for selected books by Sally that can be used in your group. Each Mom HEART Group Guide is based on the HEART group discussion outline explained in Taking Motherhood to HeartsHear the Spirit (Invitation), Engage the Word (Observation), Affirm the Truth (Interpretation), Respond to God (Application), Take it to Heart (Supplication). We’re working on HEART Guides for Sally’s first five books, as well as topical Bible study guides.

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Mom Heart Heartbeats Videos

Sally loves small group engagement and personal discipleship. As much as she would like to connect personally with all the women in Mom Heart groups around the country and world, even live streaming won’t make that happen. To try to personalize her first three books and connect with moms studying them, Sally recorded these short (10-20 minutes) “Heartbeats” video introductions for Seasons of a Mother’s Heart, The Mission of Motherhood, and The Ministry of Motherhood. Use these on-demand videos in your Mom Heart group to start each week of your study and discussion together.

For the Additional Resources Listed Above:


Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. (Hebrews 10:24, NLT)

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. (2 Timothy 2:2, NIV)

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Mom Heart Groups Facebook Group

Come join the Mom Heart Groups Facebook group to connect with thousands of other moms like you with a heart for motherhood. Just remember, though, that social media connections create and spread only virtual ministry; it’s still the face-to-face personal connections where the real ministry happens—getting together with other moms to discuss the Word, pray, fellowship, and impact your world. Interface and share with others who share your heart for that real kind of ministry in the lives of mothers.

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Mom Heart Events

We cannot meet personally with everybody, but neither did Jesus or his apostles—they met with a few who spread to others who influenced more who multiplied to many. That’s how a movement is made! Even though we can meet with only a few at a time through our ministry events—hotel getaways, church gatherings, conference speaking, training Intensives, local meetups—we consider each one a strategic opportunity to be a part of the multiplication process that will reach many more. We’re making a movement to mothers.

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Mom Heart Leader Training

A rich Mom Heart group experience of biblical fellowship and study of the Word doesn’t just happen by accident—it is intentionally cultivated by a trained leader. However, rather than formal training for our group leaders, we trust the Holy Spirit to do that work virtually through Mom Heart Ministry. We simply ask all active leaders to read and agree with Taking Motherhood to Hearts (our “mentoring in print” training manual), and get ongoing training from our audio, video, and streaming media with Sally and other leaders.

Starting a Mom Heart Group


Do you long for like-minded fellowship with other Christian mothers? Maybe it’s time to consider starting a Mom Heart Group! Here’s a quick-start guide to get you going.

  1. Pray — Every successful Mom Heart Group begins with God. Ask him to help you get yours started. Make a list of names and begin to pray about each mother.

  2. Prepare — Read Taking Motherhood to Hearts. It’s a training manual with all the nitty-gritty and more that you’ll need to start, lead, and tend a Mom Heart Group.

  3. Agree — Review the Mom Heart Ministry Values and Beliefs Statements. Be sure you can affirm those foundational and guiding principles for your Mom Heart Group.

  4. Decide — Pick a place and time for your first meeting. In your home, a friend’s home, a coffee shop, the library? Every week, twice a month, once a month? It’s up to you!

  5. Invite — Begin calling moms on your list to invite them to your group. Explain that you’ll simply read and discuss a book about motherhood, pray, and fellowship together.

  6. Connect — Join our Mom Heart Groups Facebook community. Ask if there might be others in your area active in the community, and post when and and where you’ll meet.

  7. Meet — For your first meeting, just get together to get to know one another, share your stories as mothers, and have some good refreshments and fellowship. Enjoy!

  8. Plan — At the end of your first meeting, plan and set dates for the book you’ll be reading and discussing. A typical group will meet about 10 times, plus a final fellowship.

  9. Delegate — Have several ways in mind that the other moms can contribute to the life of the group, such as refreshments, prayer list, group secretary, and event planning.

That’s all you need to do to get started. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. If you have questions, post them in the Facebook community where there are hundreds of vibrant, wise women ready and happy to help. Welcome to Mom Heart Ministry!

For additional insights and helps:
